The below is a workaround, at least until Firefox is “fixed” (thanks to who posted this below)… echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib" > $/.config/firefox. Command I use: ffmpeg -y -benchmark -t 30 -analyzeduration 1000000 -probesize 1000000 -fflags +igndts -hwaccel drm -hwacceldevice /dev/. I suspect it might be an issue with Firefox upstream. ffmpeg unable to decode h264 stream with h264rkmpp decoder. Now this should be enough to make Firefox reference the new libraries, but for some reason it doesn’t. sudo sh -c 'echo /usr/local/lib >/etc/ld.so.conf' If you haven’t already added /usr/local/lib to ld.so.conf, this is required before ffmpeg will work. copy option reduces CPU load when video source already encoded with H264 (MPEG4).

Now create a build directory somewhere and cd into it. Most media players use audio as master clock, but in some cases (streaming or high quality broadcast) it is necessary to change that. You’ll need the C compiler installed and packages to enable vaapi hardware acceleration sudo swupd bundle-add c-basic devpkg-libva support for Firefox (including ffmpeg install). If you want to use hwaccels for playback, you need to use a proper media player - ffplay doesnt implement this.